


〒252-0816 神奈川県藤沢市遠藤746-24

クィーンズランド医療委員会Medical Board of Queensland

クィーンズランド医療委員会 (MBQ) の医師登録申請用の卒業証書・学位記、医師免許証の翻訳

クィーンズランド医療委員会 (MBQ) 提出書類の翻訳

クィーンズランド医療委員会 (MBQ) の医師登録申請用の卒業証書・学位記、医師免許証の英語翻訳は、卒業証書・学位記、成績証明書、医師免許証、専門医認定証の公式翻訳の分野で豊富な経験と実績のあるリーガルトランスレーション栄古堂におまかせ下さい。

  • アメリカ向け戸籍謄本の翻訳サンプル
  • カナダ向け改製原戸籍謄本の翻訳サンプル
  • カナダ向け翻訳証明書サンプル(戸籍謄本の翻訳)
  • クィーンズランド医療委員会 (MBQ) の医師登録申請用の卒業証書・学位記、 医師免許証の翻訳

    The Medical Board of Queensland (MBQ) の医師登録申請用の卒業証書・学位記、医師免許証の公式翻訳書類の作成に関し、MBQの翻訳ガイドラインによると資格を証明する文書(卒業証書・学位記、医師免許証)が英語以外の言語である場合、権威ある翻訳者協会に所属する翻訳者の認定番号が明示されたスタンプが押された翻訳証明書付の公証翻訳書類の提出を要求していることが読み取れます。例えば翻訳書類がオーストラリア国内に於いて準備される場合、NAATI翻訳者の認定番号を記載する必要があります。翻訳書類には原文の認証謄本を添付しなければなりませんが、弊翻訳事務所のサービスにはNAATI翻訳に加え、原文の認証謄本の取得代行サービスもありますので、遠距離その他の都合でオーストラリア大使館や領事館で認証謄本を簡単に取得できない方もお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。

    *参考: Information Sheet Specialist Registration as a Medical Practitioner
    The following is provided to assist in completing an Application for Specialist Registration as a medical practitioner in Queensland.

    Certified Copies of Documents All copies of documents required to be submitted with the application must be certified copies. Persons eligible to certify documents within Australia are Notaries Public, Justices of the Peace, Commissioners of Declarations, Chief Magistrates, Police Magistrates, Resident Magistrates and Special Magistrates. Persons eligible to certify documents overseas are Notaries Public and persons appointed to hold, or act in, the office in a country or place outside Australia in an Australian Embassy, High Commission or Legation as:

    * Australian Consul-General, Consul or Vice-Consul;

    * Australian Trade Commissioner or Consular Agent;

    * Australian Ambassador or High Commissioner

    * Australian Minister, Head of Mission, Commissioner, Charge d’affaires or Counsellor

    * Australian Secretary or Attache

    Registrants who are currently registered and are applying for another category or period of registration do not need to resubmit documentation submitted in respect to their initial application.

    Qualifications The following must be included with the application form as proof of your qualifications:

    * certified copy of the academic qualifications that you nominate in the application. If qualification documents are not in English, an English translation by a certified translator must be attached.

    Translation * Translations must be from an original or notarised photocopy of the document (source text) which must be clearly legible;

    * Translations must be undertaken by a qualified professional translator accredited for the language of the source text;

    * Translations must contain a certificate by the translator attesting to the accuracy of the translation from the source text, and be bound to an original or notarised copy of the source document;

    * The certified translation and source text must be sealed with the translators seal. Translations undertaken in Australia must indicate the translators’ NAATI accreditation number, if relevant;

    * The original translation must be submitted to the Board with the application.

    (Information extraction from the Application for Specialist Registration as a Medical Practitioner May 2007 version Page 2 of 16)
