
新しい視点でグローバル人をバックアップする リーガル翻訳事務所



Certificate of a part of current items registered in the commercial register

*-**, **** *-Chome, ****** Ward, Tokyo
****** ****** Co., Ltd.
Corporate Registration No.: ****-**-******
Company Name: ****** ****** Co., Ltd.

Head Office: *-**, **** *-Chome, ****** Ward, Tokyo

*-**, **** *-Chome, ****** Ward, Tokyo
Relocated on ** ********, ****
Registered on ** ********, ****
Method of giving public notices: To be given by electronic public notices
However, if any incident or any other unavoidable cause occurs as a result of which electronic public notices cannot be given, public notices shall be inserted in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Revised on ** ********, ****
Registered on ** ********, ****
Date of incorporation of the Company: ** ********, ****
Matters relating to the company with the board of directors:
Company with the board of directors
Registered on ** ******** in accordance with the provision of article *** of Act No.** of ****
Matters relating to the company with the committee:
Company with the committee
Set on ** ********, ****
Registered on ** ********, ****
Matters relating to the company with the accounting auditor
Company with the accounting auditor
Registered on ** ********, ****
This is to certify that the foregoing is a part of all currently valid items registered in the commercial register. (Under the jurisdiction of the ********* Branch of the Tokyo Regional Legal Affairs Bureau)
** ********, ****
Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau
Registrar: ****** ******** (Official Seal of the Registrar, Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau)
Sorting Number: ********** *Parts underlined represent deleted items.

(Tally impression)
Evidence No.: ****

(Tally impression)


This is to certify that the seal of the Registrar of the Tokyo Regional Legal Affairs Bureau affixed to this document is genuine.
** ********, ****
(Official Seal of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan)
Director of Tokyo Regional Legal Affairs Bureau: ****** ********
(Official Seal the Director of Tokyo Regional Legal Affairs Bureau)


I, *******, *******, a member and translator of the American Translators Association (ATA), hereby certify to the best of my knowledge of the English and Japanese languages that the foregoing document in English is a true and faithful translation from Japanese into English of the Certificate of a part of current items registered in the commercial register.
Date: ** ***** ****

ATA member number: ******
Status: Corresponding membership
Division(s): Medical Division (MD), Translation Company Division (TCD)

Translator's Signature: **************** 注)アラブ首長国連邦のビザ申請用の戸籍謄本の翻訳には、上記とは異なるテンプレートを別に用意しております。
