
新しい視点でグローバル人をバックアップする リーガル翻訳事務所




Certificate of all currently valid items registered in the commercial register

****, ***** Ward, Tokyo
******* Co., Ltd.
Enterprise Identification Number: ****-**-******
Trade name ******* Co., Ltd.
Head o ffice ****, ***** Ward, Tokyo
Method of public notification To be inserted in official gazettes
Date of incorporation ** ******* ****
Business purposes 1. ***** ***** ******** ***** ***** ***** ****
2. ***** ***** ******** ***** ***** ***** ****
3. ***** ***** ******** ***** ***** ***** ****
4. ***** ***** ******** ***** ***** ***** ****
5. All businesses incidental to or relating to the above clause.
Total number of authorised shares ******** shares Revised on ** **** ****
Registered on ** **** ****
Total number and type of issued shares Total number of issued shares:
Revised on ** **** ****
Registered on ** **** ****
Amount of capital ********* ******** yen Revised on ** **** ****
Registered on ** **** ****
Provision regarding restriction on share transfer Transfer of the company's shares must be approved by the Board of Directors
Items regarding directors ******* *******, Director Appointed on ** **** ****
Registered on ** **** ****
******* *******, Director Appointed on ** **** ****
Registered on ** **** ****
Items regarding the company with board of directors Company with board of directors Registered on ** *** **** in accordance with the provisions of Article 136 of Law No.87 of ****

This is to certify that the foregoing is all currently valid items registered in the commercial register.
** ********, ****
***** *****, Registrar, ***** Branch Office, Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau (Official Seal of the Registrar, ***** Branch Office, Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau)
Reference n umber: ********** *Underlined entries are deleted items.


This is to certify that the seal of the Registrar of the Tokyo Regional Legal Affairs Bureau affixed to this document is genuine.
** ********, ****
(Official Seal of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan)
Director of Tokyo Regional Legal Affairs Bureau: ****** ********
(Official Seal the Director of Tokyo Regional Legal Affairs Bureau)


I, *******, *******, a member and translator of the American Translators Association (ATA), hereby certify to the best of my knowledge of the English and Japanese languages that the foregoing document in English is a true and faithful translation from Japanese into English of the Certificate of all currently valid items registered in the commercial register. Date: ** ***** ****

ATA member number: ******
Granted professional status: Corresponding
Division: Translation Company Division (TCD)

Translator's Signature: **************** 注)アラブ首長国連邦のビザ申請用の戸籍謄本の翻訳には、上記とは異なるテンプレートを別に用意しております。



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