
新しい視点でグローバル人をバックアップする リーガル翻訳事務所



オーストラリアは、ユニークで魅力にあふれた国です。オーストラリアには、カンガルーやコアラのほかにアボリジニという特異な人々も存在します。アボリジニとはラテン語の二つの言葉,アブとオリジニに由来し,“最初から”という意味があります。ですからアボリジニとして知られる人々は、最初からオーストラリアにいた先住民族のことを指します。アボリジニは、なぜ特異な民族と言えるのでしょうか。 理由の一つに、アートを取り上げることが出来ます。アボリジニにとってアートは書き記された言葉よりも効果的な意思伝達手段となっているというわけです。オーストラリア北部の辺境地域で大量に発見されたアボリジニの岩壁画は実に人類の歴史の当初から近年に至るまで幅広い年代に及ぶアートです。それらは、イギリス人のオーストラリア上陸以前の何世紀にもわたる異文化交流を物語る本当に驚くべきものです。アートは、私たち人類に賜った神の言語にほかならないと感じさせずにはいられません。アートをこよなく愛した古代イスラエルのソロモン王は、「箴言」の中で,折にかなった適切な言葉を「銀の彫り物の中の金のりんご」に例えています。リーガルトランスレーション栄古堂の翻訳処理は、アートであり、心の通ったとても微妙でデリケートな職人の手によるサービスです。書き記された言葉がベースにありますが、読者が心のキャンバスに絵を描けるように言葉による意思伝達を補うアートな感性を積極的に英訳の中に反映させていきたいものです。リーガルトランスレーション栄古堂は、読む人を納得させるアートな手作り翻訳に仕上げる努力を惜しむことなく、日ごと夜ごとに翻訳の品質に磨きをかけております。翻訳業に携る者としてこれまでの経験と知識を駆使し、お客様のニーズを最適なかたちで具現化することは誠に特権であります。



企業のグローバル化が進展する現在、外国人労働者が此処彼処に急増しています。 これは会社の新たな成長戦略には欠かすことのできない要素であることは否定できませんが、 同時に日本人社員との間で不協和音が生ずるという問題も浮上してきました。 それ故、リーガルトランスレーション栄古堂では、顧客ニーズの変化に応え、とりわけ 外国人労働者向けの就業規則・契約書の翻訳分野に於いて、日本人とは全く 異なる文化や宗教、習慣を持つ外国人に対する深い理解と心地よい協和音を 奏でるアートな手作り翻訳の職人技に磨きをかけ、常に高品質な英語翻訳をご提供すべく努力してまいります。 リーガルトランスレーション栄古堂のアートな英語翻訳サービスを是非 ご利用いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

*海外で活躍する日本企業の外国人労働者向けの就業規則、労働契約書や学校法人の就業規則、労働契約書などの大型の英語翻訳プロジェクトでアートな翻訳を実現する為には個々の実績のあるプロの翻訳者たちが調和よくコーディネートされた一つのチームとしてプロジェクトを遂行しなければなりません。その為には、高度な技術と経験及びマネジメントが求められます。アートな英語翻訳とは、日本語原文の鍵となる部分を正確に翻訳することに加え、英国人の感性を全体に反映させた格調の高い自然な文章に英訳処理することを意味します。日本語の原文に忠実でありながら全体に統一感がある権威あふれる自然な文章に英訳処理することは正に熟練した職人の技であり、プロダクツは芸術作品と呼べるのではないでしょうか。リーガルトランスレーション栄古堂は、参考資料、用語辞典の選定から翻訳処理、専門用語リストの作成及び更新、英訳文章の校正にいたるプロジェクトの全てのフェーズにわたって、総合的なプロジェクトマネジメントを実施します。豊富な経験と知識を兼ね備えたアートな英語翻訳プロジェクトチームは、責任者である翻訳コーディネーターを筆頭に、プロの翻訳者および英国人の校閲者で構成され、翻訳の品質に全力を傾注します。成果物については、各翻訳対象文書とのページ相関を明確にし、文書毎に Microsoft Word 2007 で作成の上、 CD-RW にデータを記録したもので納入します。納入に当たっては、 ウイルスバスター2009 でコンピューターウイルスチェックを実施します。

ATA & NAATI Translatorsによる法律文書の翻訳:リーガル公認翻訳



リーガル翻訳における法律関係の規定は、法律行為の翻訳文書の誤りまたは不正確さが重大な法的影響を引き起こす可能性があります。 このため、各国の受理機関に提出する法律文書の公式翻訳には一定の資格が必要とされることがあります。リーガル翻訳は、法律翻訳における豊富な実務経験または国際翻訳家連盟( Federation of International Translators略称FIT)の正会員で認定プログラムを確立した翻訳者・通訳者の団体に所属する公文書、法律文書の翻訳に於ける資格あるプロの翻訳者によって実行されます。



Regulations for ******** University Hospital Dormitory for Nurses

Article 1: The purpose of these regulations shall be to ensure the smooth implementation of the work and business of the ******** University Hospital (hereinafter referred to as “The Hospital”) by defining and regulating basic issues pertaining to the management and maintenance of dormitory facilities thereby enabling efficiency in the performance of work by nurses employed at The Hospital.

(Name of dormitory)
Article 2: The name of dormitory is “******** University Hospital Dormitory for Nurses”.

(Eligibility for Residence)
Article 3: Employees satisfying the following conditions shall be eligible for residence in the dormitory.
(1) Nurses, associate nurses, midwives and assistant midwives engaged in work at The Hospital.
(2) Single female employees

(Selection of Tenants)
Article 4: Dormitory tenants (including parking space), shall be selected by the head of the Nursing Department acting on directives issued by the Director of The Hospital.
2. In cases where there are 2 applicants eligible for 1 free dormitory accommodation, The President shall select the applicant deemed to be most in need of said accommodation based on consideration of the nature of the work and duties of the respective applicants.

(Cots of Occupancy)
Article 5: Occupancy of the dormitory is free of charge in accordance with Item 1,Article 12 of the National Public Service Personnel Law.
2 The cost of utilities including water, electricity and gas shall be born by the beneficiary of said utilities, said cost of utilities for each dormitory room to be paid to the member of staff of designated by The Hospital by the end of each month.

(Responsibilities Pertaining to Usage of Dormitories)
Article 6: Tenants shall comply with the instructions of the superintendent with respect to usage of the dormitory.
2 Tenants shall not sublease the dormitory in part or in whole third parties, make use of the dormitory for purposes other than residence, or reconstruct, remodel or otherwise effect alterations to the dormitory.
3 In cases where the tenant is responsible for damage or soiling of the dormitory, said tenant shall restore the dormitory or pay compensation for damages. The foregoing shall not, however, apply in cases where said damage, etc. is caused by fire not attributable to the deliberate acts or negligence.
4  In cases where it is deemed necessary, for the purposes of maintenance of the dormitory, to carry out an external and internal examination of said dormitory, tenants shall not, without good reason, refuse to cooperate with such examinations.

(Expenses for Repairs)
Article 7: The hospital shall be bear expenses for repairs in cases where the damage to the dormitory is attributable to a disaster, the passage of time or other causes for which tenants are not liable. However, the foregoing shall not apply in cases where such damage is deemed to minor.

Article 8: In cases where any of the following items apply to the tenant, said tenant shall vacate the dormitory within ** days calculated from the day when the corresponding item hereunder becomes applicable. In cases, however, of just reason, with the permission from the president, said tenant may continue to use the dormitory for a period specified by the university within ** months calculated from the day on which the corresponding item becomes applicable.
(1) When said tenant is no longer a member of University Staff
(2) Upon the decease of said tenant
(3) In cases where said tenant becomes ineligible for residence in the dormitory due to a change in circumstances such as reassignment, relocation of change of place of work, or where said tenant no longer requires tenancy in the dormitory.
(4) In cases where a tenant is asked to move out due to the existence of persons with prior claim on the dormitory due to the requirements of the business operation of The Hospital.
(5) In cases where a tenant is asked to move out when The Hospital deems it necessary to abolish the dormitory in which said tenant is resident.
(6) In cases where a tenant is ordered to vacate the dormitory for failure to observe responsibilities pertaining to usage of said dormitory, or failure to follow instructions.
(7) In cases of absence from the dormitory for a period of 1 month or more. However, the foregoing shall not apply in cases where said period of absence is approved by The Director of The Hospital.
2. When a tenant vacates the dormitory, the rooms of said tenant shall be inspected by the superintendent of the dormitory. Tenants instructed to implement repair or remedial work on said rooms after such inspections shall bear the costs of said work.
3. In cases where the conduct of the tenant is deemed to be in violation of Article 6 and where said tenant fails to comply with requests to remedy said conduct so as not to interfere with the smooth management and administration of the dormitory within the period stipulated for said compliance, the tenant concerned shall vacate the dormitory immediately.
4. In cases where a tenant in violation of the foregoing 3 regulations fails to move out of the dormitory, said tenant shall be subject to payment of compensation for damages calculated from the day following the due date for removal according to these regulations to the actual date of removal. In such cases, damages shall be ** times the dormitory rent (i.e. the amount equivalent to charges for usage calculated in accordance with the methods stipulated in Articles 13 and 14 of the National Public Service Personnel Dormitory Law Enforcement Ordinance and Article 13 through Item 3 of Article 20-4 of the National Public Service Personnel Dormitory Law Enforcement Ordinance Regulations based on the premise of accommodation at cost).
5. Tenants failing to vacate the dormitory before the due date defined in Items 1 and 3 shall be liable to payment of compensation for damages in accordance with Item 4.

(Request and Approval of Tenancy)
Article 9: Members of University staff wishing to rent a dormitory shall submit The Director of The Hospital a letter requesting permission for tenancy. Upon receipt of said letter, The Director shall, where approval of said request is deemed appropriate, send the member of University Staff in question notification of permission for tenancy.

(Timing of Occupancy)
Article 10: Members of University staff in receipt of approval for tenancy shall occupy the dormitory within ** days of the date for occupancy stipulated in the letter of approval. However, where extenuating circumstances exist, the date of occupancy may be extended subject to the approval of The Director.
2. The Director shall be entitled to withdraw permission for tenancy in cases where a member of University Staff with permission for tenancy fails to occupy the dormitory by the deadline stipulated in the foregoing item.

(Approval for Roommates)
Article 11: Tenants of the dormitory shall not be permitted to share accommodation with roommates.
2. Persons other than tenants of the dormitory shall not be allowed access to the dormitory. However, the foregoing shall not apply in cases deemed necessary by the Director of The Hospital.

(Approval for Remodeling, etc.)
Article 12: In cases where a tenant wishes to remodel the dormitory or make other alterations at his/her own expense, prior permission for said remodeling or alterations must be obtained from The Director of The Hospital.
2 Upon receipt of requests in accordance with the foregoing item, The Director may grant permission where it is deemed that procedures concerned shall not interfere with the maintenance and management of the dormitory and on condition that, at the time the tenant vacates the dormitory, he/she shall return the dormitory to its original state, donate the results of remodeling or alterations The University, or relinquish the right to lay claims against The University in respect of said modeling or alterations.

(Selection of Superintendents)
Article 14: The Director of The University may nominate members of University Staff who are tenants as superintendents the duties of whom shall comprise the maintenance and management of dormitories.

(Records pertaining to the Current State of Dormitories)
Article 15: Records clearly detailing the current status of dormitories shall be kept.
2 Said records shall include the jobs, ages and rents of tenants.
3 Said records shall include bloc plans of the dormitory building and a ground plan of the whole or part of the buildings.

(Dormitory Affairs)
Article 16: Administrative affairs pertaining to dormitory shall be handled by the Administrative Division.

(Other rules)
Article 17: Issues not addressed within these regulations shall be determined by The Director of The Hospital.

Supplementary Provisions
These regulations shall be implemented from **** ***** ****.



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